Rocks, minerals, stones, beads, jewelry galore! Saturday and Sunday, Feb. 1-2, we went to the gem show here in Tucson, which is the largest gem show in the world. It lasts for 2 weeks. Huge long white tents are set up in large parking areas around town. Then certain hotels also open themselves up for the vendors. The vendors rent a room and then just shove the furniture to the side and set up their wares right in their rooms. You can then just enter the hotel and go in and out of all the rooms to shop. Tents are also set up in the hotel courtyards and around their buildings. Food vendors show up and park along the street next to the hotel to feed those crazy shoppers. The gem show is also at the huge convention center and grounds in downtown. There are 38 places around town to shop! There is even a shuttle bus to take you back and forth to all the shopping areas.
People, men and women, were buying all kinds of stuff by the cart and basket load. You could even buy the huge mineral stones by the pound or VERY LARGE size to take home and break up and polish yourself. Plus you could buy any type of big machinery to small hand tools and jewelry supplies for making jewelry of even displaying it.
Of course I got in trouble!! Some vendors sold nice jewelry while others sold more moderate or cheap priced stuff. But I had an idea of what I was looking for before I even went to the show. That helped but the words “50-75% OFF!” sure got my attention and drew me in like a big magnet that just forced those dollars out of my hand!! Well, I do have to practice wire wrapping jewelry after taking the course don’t I!? Sure I do!! Doug just dropped me off on Sunday and said “Go get’em!” “Call me when you are through!”
I have never seen such an array of beads anywhere! Row after row and strings after strings! To me, I just buy what looks pretty! I couldn’t tell you what the different beads are, but some of those women knew them by heart as if they had taken a master’s course in geology! I ran into a few of the women from the park and they were so excited, just like kids in a candy store. There certainly were some bargains to be had and it was a fun way to wile away a couple of afternoons! But after all that standing and shopping on Sunday, it did require a milk shake to build my strength back up!!!
I would have been with Doug where ever he went. But our friends Tom and Diane are also wandering around that show somewhere and are probably buying goodies also.