Tuesday, May 20, 2014

A Day On The Bay-Monterey Bay That Is

We loaded the bikes onto the back of the truck today and headed down to the docks.  It was a bit cool with a few clouds but a great day for a bike ride.  We took a 3 hour bike ride along the bay on nice 2 way paved paths that took us all the way back to Bubba Gump’s, where we were yesterday.  It wasn’t as busy with traffic and people today so that was nice.   Most of the piers are now lined with small shops and places to eat.  The streets right on the waterfront are set up to draw the tourists in with all kinds of  places to take your money!  The bike paths are a block from the main streets, so you are not trying to ride your bike on busy sidewalks.  There are several little city park areas where you can view the water and just enjoy being outdoors. 

We first headed towards the dock where we heard the most noise from the seals.  Goodness, they are loud!   How many more seals can fit on the platform in the picture?  Some of those guys were vicious in trying to keep other seals from getting a spot.  It was fun to watch them.  What a life, just sunbathe, swim, eat fish!  I think some of the restaurants must feed them the left over seafood! 

Monterey Bay dock & bike ride 007 Monterey Bay dock & bike ride 004

We then continued on towards other areas to see if we could find more seals.  All along the way, the scenery is just so pretty.  You can look out over the bay and to the north  and see the Santa Cruz Mountains in the distance.  You can see them because of the curve of the bay and the direction Monterey faces.  Such pretty blue water!  Boy, there sure are LOTS boats in the harbor!  Cha-Ching $$$$$$!  Somebody has money! 

1 pan bay from Bubba Gump's PE editedMonerery  Bubba Gumps PE edited


1 pan of docks Monterey Bay dock & bike ride 038 redo

We took a break and this seagull decided to pose with us!  Of course, they are everywhere! This guy looks pretty healthy from his California living.

Monterey Bay dock & bike ride 027 redo Monterey Bay dock & bike ride 028 redoMonterey Bay dock & bike ride 026

And, yes, we found more seals.  Notice the cute black pup in the center of the picture.  They all were just taking their mid-morning nap. 

Monterey Bay dock & bike ride 033 Monterey Bay dock & bike ride 043 redo

What a nice way to start off our stay in Monterey……


   Seal Royalty Free Stock Images

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